Miss Nomer's Excellent Adventure

Miss Nomer's Excellent Adventure

Sunday, 12 February 2012

A Summer Shoot

The orange Chinese lantern.
Macro of a pincushion flower.
Ambridge Rose. Another one right down near the graft.

Ambridge Rose

St Cecilia
St Cecilia
St Cecilia

Yellow Button fading to a pale yellow.

The pink calla lily that I thought was smooshed to death has come back and multiplied. :)

The pink Chinese lantern.

Copper daisy in the sun.

What came up where I planted my dahlias... :*(

The front path with Summer Memories rose.

My new lacecap hydrangea. It's my first one. I like it. I hope it doesn't die, it was on sale because it was sunburnt but not as bad as mine are here anyway.

Yay the perennial nemesia is self-seeding! At least something good sprang up with all the weeds down the side of the house.


sherryocala said...

Beautiful flowers and great pics! I love your nemesia volunteer, and you have the same grassy weeds that I do. Love your roses.

miss nomer said...

Thanks Sherry. I wish I could trade for some of your victoria blue salvia volunteers! I love that stuff I was thinking of buying some yesterday. I have a lot more hideous weeds than the grassy ones in the pic. The one that is driving me mad is the one that looks like clover (I think you mentioned it too). My sister called it medic?. Hard to get out of the dirt without getting your fingers right down under the roots. My nails are ruined, lol, not that I care! There is stacks of it left to conquer. Husband had a go at it with a claw hammer yesterday and made good progress!