Miss Nomer's Excellent Adventure

Miss Nomer's Excellent Adventure

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Be mine.. roses.

Happy Valentine's Day!!   

I don't know if you celebrate it but I like to try and convince DH it's a good excuse to take the opportunity to be a little bit romantic.  He is not very enthused but last year I convinced him to buy me my first rose (Pierre de Ronsard) so it's my first Rose-iversary too! Now I think I should get a new rose again today don't you?
I like St Cecilia's pale pink cups they are suitably romantic for today but her foliage is a little bit yuck. She was the first one to show signs of rose mosaic virus. It is very difficult or impossible to find non-virused versions of some roses in Australia. Most of my Austins seem to have it but mostly it doesn't seem to affect them except for making the leaves a little bit ugly.

The bud had a great hole in it munched by a bug but it still looks pretty good.

Funny Middle

Yeah today sucked. Valentine's Day might be ok for people who have nice enthusuastic partners/spouses but mine has been a butthead.

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